Tips For Making Great Tasting Popcorn

You did it. You went out and bought a popcorn machine. No more of that overpriced microwave popcorn that is always getting burned, and really doesn't taste that good when it doesn't.

You get the machine assembled, and are drooling in anticipation of that first batch of theater tasting popcorn. And gag - the microwave stuff is better. Well, what did you expect when you used some old discount brand of popcorn that you popped in vegetable oil, and then finished off with table salt?

Here are some tips for making great tasting popcorn from your home popcorn machine.

Great Tasting Popcorn Tip - Get The Right Popcorn

Be sure that you are purchasing high quality popcorn that is fresh, and that it is kept well sealed and dry. it does make a difference, and certainly this isn't the place to cutback - the higher quality corn will pop bigger and give fewer kernels that remain unpopped. it is best not to buy or store popcorn kernels in paper bags - it will be too easy for moisture from humidity to get into it, and then it won't pop well. Purchase your popcorn in plastic, and then you can keep it in glass jars.

Great Tasting Popcorn Tip - Use The Right Oil

You want great tasting popcorn - it's all about the oil. The theaters use coconut oil to get that slightly sweet taste and smell. Unfortunately, this is a place where home popcorn machine users make an allowance due to health concerns, because coconut oil has a high level of saturated fat. However, this is not the same as the trans fatty acids that you get from fast foods or hydrogenated oils. These are the real health concerns.

Read More: Tips For Making Great Tasting Popcorn


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